
Disclaimer . Worldwide, more than 1000 international piano competitions exist. AAF monitors most of them and has extensive documentation about them. This catalogue focuses on the 200 AAF member competitions and organisations and contains an enormous amount of details. While utmost care has been taken to present accurate information in this catalogue, AAF cannot assume responsibility for any inconvenience caused by ill-reading, mistake, unfortunate formulation or omission. Neither can AAF be held responsible for the content of the individual competition pages. Especially in these uncertain times, there are frequently changes and it will therefore happen that some of the details are no longer valid. As this is a digital publication, updates and corrections can be made relatively easily. On page 14, there are links to the complete lists of updates that have been made since this year’s catalogue came out. While we try to keep this catalogue as up-to-date as possible, the reader may also check AAF’s website for latest news and announcements: www.alink-argerich.org (updated every week). AAF’s website also informs about other piano competitions, not necessarily affiliated with AAF. For additional information, assistance or complaints, feel free to contact AAF at any time (mail@alink-argerich.org or aafout@yahoo.com).

Alink-Argerich Foundation 2025

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