
Selection procedures Competition organisers are not to be envied. At the time of the pandemic, there was the agonizing uncertainty as to whether the competition may take place at all or which restrictions have to be met. Naturally, the organisers also worry about the financing and whether their event will attract enough participants. How many will apply? And indeed, even up to two weeks before the deadline, it may happen that only few applications have arrived. The organisers get nervous and consider extending the deadline. But, most of the applications usually arrive at the last moment. Another worry is what to do when there are too many applications? There are various ways to conduct a preselection. It has almost become a standard requirement for applicants to supply a recording: a video must be uploaded or a link to a video recording must be provided. Several competitions planned Live auditions that precede the main competition ( Bachauer , Orléans, Cliburn , Liszt Utrecht, Honens , Paderewski , New York Liszt …). Some competitions limit the number of participants by accepting only the first 50 or 100 applicants (Aachen, Epinal, Geilenkirchen …). The clear advantage for the organisers is that they do not have to carry out an elaborate preselection procedure. But there is also a disadvantage: pianists who already have some concert engagements may find it difficult to plan everything and will wait until the very last moment to apply. So, these pianists would then have to be refused and the competition might miss some interesting performers. Quite many online competitions exist where pianists may send their recordings or provide an internet link, after which a committee announces the laureates and invites them. The advantage is that participants do not need to travel to compete, and the organisers do not need to rent a hall for one or two weeks. However, the excitement and great experience of a live event and the special atmosphere with an audience is missing. The true sound of the piano should really be heard in a concert hall, and to make a fair judgment, the conditions should be the same for all participants. Will the entire recording be heard …? One cannot see nor meet the jury, which is another disadvantage. A warning should also be given: a few online competitions have emerged that very much resemble an existing, well-known competition by name or even by logo and thus appear to be the same. One should always double-check the official website and contact details. See the next pages for some more considerations that are important for the organisers of online competitions and the participants. Online competitions no travelling The first 50 are accepted … Preselections

Alink-Argerich Foundation 2025

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