
Opinions about online competitions An online competition seems a nice idea to several organisers, but this has many drawbacks (as pointed out on the previous pages). A hybrid format could be a compromise: having only the semifinals and finals as a live event. What is the opinion of the musicians themselves? AAF issued a questionnaire. The responses were very instructive. We want to thank everyone for their replies and time to think about all this and for sharing their ideas! Here, as an illustration, we only present a small selection of the feedback and a few interesting comments. At another AAF Conference, the results can be presented more completely and discussed in greater detail. Q4: overall opinion (in general) about online competitions very positive positive so-so negative very negative Q13: streaming: did the competition publish all the videos of all the participants? yes partly no don't know ... Q14: do you have the impression that the competition was fair and the rules were correctly followed by everyone? yes no maybe Q15: did you know who were judging the recordings (or online performances)? yes no Some people commented: * “Music can only be experienced and evaluated in presence.” * “If the recordings are made in similar conditions, the judges should also have the same or similar listening equipments.” * “Most of a competitor's instrumental and sound production qualities are not perceivable through headphones or speakers.” * “Letting jurors listen at home makes it easier to assemble excellent jury members.” * “I like about the preliminary round with videos that a preselection can be made without having to travel to another country.” * “It seems as if competitions are money making schemes ...” * “Let’s not forget: during the pandemic online competitions were a motive to move forward.” * “It lacks the excitement of a live audience, the meeting with other participants and jury and the whole atmosphere of a contest.” I don't know probably not I believe so unclear (categories) one cannot be sure absolutely not ...

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