20 ~ 35
30 ~ 45 125
It - Roma-Chopin ‘24 Frg - Detmold ‘24
60 45 --- 45 --- 50 40
--- 50 --- 60
video video video
It - Mormone ‘21
(40) 25 + 40
(5) 125
It - Terni ‘25
130 130
~ 20
40 ~ 50 45 ~ 55 15
Pol - Chopin ‘25
video + Live
It - Finale Ligure ‘25 Rum - Enescu ‘24 USA - Cliburn ‘25
video video
30 + 30
--- 60
60 + 15 135
25 40
135 140
video + Live
50+55+30+10 ~ 5
NL - Utrecht ’26
video + Live video + Live
(2) 25 ~ 30
35 ~ 40 25 ~ 30 50 (2) 150
USA - Cleveland ‘24
Frg - Bonn ‘23 F - Orléans ‘24
video video
45 40
60 35
40 10 (2) 155
Notes: - a year is indicated in superscript ( '26 , '25 , '24 ...), meaning that the information pertains to that year. For some competitions, more recent details were not yet certain at the time of writing. Most of the organisers usually keep the same structure for their next events. However, the planning of many competitions was affected by the covid-19 pandemic. For several competitions, the format changed: --- one or more originally planned live rounds were held online ; --- the number of rounds was reduced; --- the duration (and repertoire) was adjusted; --- a concerto round with orchestra could not be held and was replaced by another solo round or chamber music. While most competitions have returned to their usual format for the next events, some others have kept the structure which they had adopted during the corona crisis. - when a competition has only one round (possibly after a preselection based on recordings), the information about this one round is given in the "1st stage" column, even when the organisers might refer to this round as the "finals". - before the coronavirus crisis, many competitions were preceded by a preselection stage, for which the pianists had to submit a video recording. But now that many competitions are having the first round online, the difference between preselection and actual start of the competition is fading. - when a competition has several categories, the information in the table refers to the top category . - the Int'l Chopin Piano Competition in Asia (Japan) and the Odyssiad Competition in Fort Collins (U.S.A.) have a special Concerto category and various solo categories. * For some competitions, the total amount of solo repertoire to be prepared does not necessarily equal the sum of the performance times. At a few other competitions contestants may repeat certain works which they already played earlier. For the Queen Elisabeth Competition two recital programs must be prepared for the 2 nd round (semi-finals) and the jury will choose one. Also for the 1 st stage in Cleveland, and multiple recitals programmes had to be submitted for the Géza Anda Competition. The rules and any adjustments must always be read with care.
Alink-Argerich Foundation 2025
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