
Alink – Argerich Foundation An Independent Worldwide Information and Service Centre for Musicians and Competitions

Drs. Gustav A. Alink (Director / co-founder)

Martha Argerich (Patron / co-founder)

Recommendation Committee Mr. A.A.M. (Dries) van Agt Drs. R.F.M. (Ruud) Lubbers

International Advisory Board Agustin Anievas - Vladimir Ashkenazy Aldo Ciccolini † - Arnaldo Cohen Philippe Entremont - Nelson Freire† Gary Graffman - Adam Harasiewicz Ton Koopman - Alexei Lubimov Eugene Moguilevsky † - Süher Pekinel Pau l Pollei † - Pnina Salzman † Tamás Vásáry - Eliso Virsaladze

Dr. A.H.G. (Alexander) Rinnooy Kan Prof. Dr. Ir. J.J.C. (Joris) Voorhoeve et al.

The Alink-Argerich Foundation was founded in November 1999. It grew from research Gustav Alink had done on Piano Competitions worldwide since the early 1980s, while Martha Argerich has always been keenly interested in assisting young musical talent.

AAF gathers and diffuses important facts, competition results, announcements and other news items as well as unique pictures through its web site: www.alink-argerich.org Updated every week!

Contact address: P.O. Box 85600

www.alink-argerich.org Tel.: (+31) 70 - 3634760 aafout@yahoo.com /AlinkArgerichFoundation e-mail : mail@alink-argerich.org

NL-2508 CH The Hague

The Netherlands

Statutory seat: The Hague registered at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Haaglanden KvK Nr. 27183935

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